AG Taxi unterstützt die Forderungen der Gorillas Rider

16. Juli 2021 von Redaktion

In Lieferdiensten und Taxigewerbe sind die Beschäftigten ähnlich schlimmen Arbeitsbedingungen ausgesetzt. Wir erklären uns deshalb solidarisch mit den Forderungen der Streikenden und Aktiven.


Die AG Taxi bei ver.di erklärt sich solidarisch mit den protestierenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen beim Gorillas Lieferdient.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

alle Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter in Plattform-Gewerben sind heute von schlimmen, ungerechten Arbeitsbedingungen betroffen. So wie Gorillas und andere Lieferdienste Euch zu entrechten versuchen, so werden Taxifahreinnen und -fahrer seit Jahrzehnten behandelt.

Tricksereien bei der Arbeitszeiterfassung, Zwang eigene Geräte für die Arbeit zu verwenden, willkürliche Entscheidungen der Chefetage und Verhinderung von Betriebsräten erleben wir täglich. Deshalb sind wir begeistert, dass Ihr Eure Forderungen offensiv vertretet.

Wir rufen alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen auf, Euch zu unterstützen und es Euch gleich zu tun.

Wir bringen Eure Forderungen an unsere Kolleginnen am Steuer von Taxis und Mietwagen nahe, denn langfristige Erfolge werden das Ergebnis von Druck aus allen Richtungen auf die Unternehmen und Ihre Verbände sein.

Wir wünschen Euch Erfog im Arbeitskampf und jederzeit unfallfreie Fahrt !

Hier könnte Ihr uns einen Nachricht senden. Klick !

Download der Forderungen der Gorillas Rider als PNG

Download der Forderungen der Gorillas Rider als TXT


Dear warehouse workers,

Below you can see the list of demands that we handed-in to Gorillas management during our protest in front of the HQ (Schénhauser Allee 180) on June 28, 2021. Please note that the demands were created democratically in a Workers’ Assembly during the protest. While these are the main demands that we came up with there and then, we believe that each one of you has additional demands that are not included on the below list.

The deadline for meeting demands 1 and 2 are set at 48 hours, that is Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 15:00. The deadlines for the remaining demands are set at 2 weeks and will expire on July 14, 2021 at 15:00.


All workers who have been missing their salaries must receive the outstanding difference within 48 hours (i.e. June 30, 2021, at 15:00).

As a compensation for the recent payment discrepancies and the discomfort inflicted upon all workers, one month’s worth of salary must be paid to all workers depending on their type of contract (part-time, full-time, etc.) within 48 hours (as above).

All workers who do the same work must be paid the same amount.

We must be provided bicycles with a cargo component. The bags must be removed off the backs of the riders. Workers must be given some free days during the week to recuperate. Full-time workers must get at least two days off in a row. Nobody should be forced to have short shifts spread through the entire week. Example: 30 hours of work must be distributed in a maximum of 4 days.

In the event of payment discrepancies, the amount representing the correction must be paid in one week maximum, not a month.

Probation time must be reduced.

Work phones must be provided for workers. In the event riders do not have a working phone available, the company must not deny shifts from them.

Regarding shift scheduling, workers’ preferences must be respected, and shifts must be assigned at a minimum of 4 days (96 hours) prior to the day of the shift.

Rider support must be staffed immediately. The number of staff in rider support must increase proportionally with the number of workers in the company.

Gorillas must release reports showing where and how the invested money is spent, in order to explain the unacceptably long delays in addressing work conditions.

Air conditioning must be provided in every warehouse.

All contracts must be made unlimited in time.

Gorillas must pay for all workers’ overtime, from riders, to other warehouse workers, to workers in the HQ.

Gorillas must issue all equipment personally to every rider. This list includes all relevant equip- ment that are used at work, including but not exclusively helmets, shoes, compatible clothes for all weather conditions, internet data contract, and phones.

Weekly 30-minute-long meetings must be introduced in each warehouse, without the presence or influence of any management staff.

Problems related to sexual assault, harassment and sexism must be addressed immediately and must not be ignored as has been done previously.

Paid breaks must remain as-is for all workers.

Gorillas must establish a visa team to address visa-related problems of employees.

Would you like to add something to this list? Join the discussion following this link or scanning the QR code to contribute to the Gorillas Workers list of demands!

Bildquelle / Logo: Source: Scriblerus, CC-BY

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